I got an email from them today (and I wasn't the only one - Helene's just had a better subject header than "Response to Inquiry" from "VCM" (gee that looks like spam!) so I saw hers first)
Here's mine:
Hello Pamela,
Thank you for contacting CNN. This interview has been rescheduled for
Friday, June 10th at 9PM ET. For the most up-to-date information on
what's airing on Piers Morgan Tonight, please visit
piersmorgantonight.com, Facebook.com/PiersTonight, and
We appreciate your continued trust in CNN. For news 24 hours online,
keep your browser pointed to http://www.cnn.com
Sincerely yours,
LeAnn A.
Viewer Communications Management
"CNN...The Worldwide Leader in News"
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