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Friday, September 3, 2010

Appearance -- Dragon Con Schedule - maybe

For those of you in Atlanta this weekend,
I'm stealing this from Julia, who did all the work and should get the credit.

It looks like these are the most likely panels Scott would be at:

Friday - 9/3/10
4:00 pm (90 minutes)
Atrium Ballroom
Quantum Leap

Saturday - 9/4/10
1:00 pm (one hour)
Atrium Ballroom

5:30 pm (90 minutes)
A704 (M) AMSF
Chuck: One Big Unhappy Spy Family

Remember these are guesses, but they look good to me.
I believe Scott made it to Atlanta around midnight. I could be wrong.
We know nothing, but we can assume.
If you would like to visit Julia's website <--that was the link.

She's always quite organized and does better than I at digging up info for events she's not attending.

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