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Monday, December 27, 2010


Episode 2.04 #fb
Make @MikeRoyce and me happy. Watch it. Preferably Live.
There are also reruns of Chuck on NBC at 8, 9 and 10. Watch at least two of them Live. I'm fairly sure they aren't Scott eps, as they didn't show up in my DVR's Upcoming list.


sorry for rerun. also it's Monday:Men of a Cetain Age Day #fb #menofacertainage

this is a test

this is only a test. also it's Monday #fb #menofacertainage

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fan Stuff -- Scott's Mailing Address

This is always fun. :-)
Just got a current fanmail address for Scott. No clue how long we'll be using this one.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Print: Men of a Ceratin Age Photo essay in the L.A. Times on Sunday

Great #menofacertainage photo essay in the L.A. Times on Sunday

Friday, December 10, 2010

Interview/Video -- KTLA this morning

Scott Bakula on KTLA this morning - no direct link, go to this page, scroll down under the main video to the tiny video thumbnails


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Aged to (Near) Perfection: 'Men of a Certain Age' Hit Their Prime

This may not be an interview. I haven't looked. But it's Mo, so I'm posting itAged to (Near) Perfection: 'Men of a Certain Age' Hit Their Prime

Interview -- Playing an Actor on TNT Drama Is No Quantum Leap for Bakula | Fancast News

Playing an Actor on TNT Drama Is No Quantum Leap for Bakula | Fancast News

Interview -- Men of a Certain Age’s Scott Bakula on Hitting 50 and...

from Vulture: Men of a Certain Age’s Scott Bakula on Hitting 50 and Having a Name Built for Vampire Puns

Scott Bakula: A Man of a Certain Age

Interview Scott Bakula: A Man of a Certain Age

Interview -- Starry Constellation Magazine

Starry Constellation Magazine interviews Scott

HELP! AHL didn't record and...

my DVR didn't record! and I wanted to see some of the other segments in addition to Scott. If you recorded and didn't cut, please contact me (and no, every time I ask that I *don't* get barraged - in fact, no one ever replies to me at all. Guess no one is reading. I should stop posting.)

Interview -- Scott Bakula on the Return of 'Men of a Certain Age' - Speakeasy - WSJ

Interview with Scott Bakula on the Return of 'Men of a Certain Age' - Wall Street Journal


Interview: "Men of a Certain Age" Co-Stars Scott Bakula & Andre Braugher -
thanks to @KayLhota (if you are a fan of Chuck, follow her)


Scott LIVE this hour, on these channels

ALERT: Access Hollywood LIVE - check you listings for Channel NOW

Sunday, December 5, 2010

ALERT: Scott will be on Access Live Monday Dec 6th

If they mean Access Hollywood Live, we get it here at 11am, so I'm recording Monday AND Tuesday.Here is the info

Interview: AM New York

Interview: Scott Bakula of 'Men of a Certain Age' - am New York

Friday, December 3, 2010

Interview/Video -- CNN

Ray Romano & cast of "Men of a Certain Age" are interviewed by CNN.

Interview/Video -- Omaha Morning Blend

Scott Bakula - Omaha Morning Blend from, of course, Omaha.

TV/Interview -- Fox 59

Scott Bakula Talks About Men of a Certain Age today, from Fox59 in Indy


Twitter / Carl Gierhan: Major markets eat your hea ... Fox 59 has Scott Bakula tomorrow.

If you happen to hear of an upcoming interview - please Tweet to @pamelajaye, not @BakulaNews

actually, you can Tweet to both, but @pamelajaye is the only one being moitored by me.

Talk Shows -- No Scott, just Ray, but...

if someone could keep an eye peeled at The Late Night TV Page - Talk Show Guest Listings andlet me know if you see anything, it would be appreciated (by me, and the other fans, who don't necessarily eat drink and breath Scott)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Interview -- Bakula plays it single on 'Men of a Certain Age'

Bakula plays it single on 'Men of a Certain Age' more quotes from Scott

Interview -- Bakula: ‘Certain Age’ Won’t Be Drawn-Out Drama

Bakula: ‘Certain Age’ Won’t Be Drawn-Out Drama quotes from Scott in The Jacksonville Observer

Podcast/Review -- 'Men of a Certain Age' -

Z on TV (David Zurawik) discusses Men of a Certain Age' in this podcast from the Baltimore Sun. You can play on the page or download the file.
thanks to Z and Sherry

Articles/Interviews -- Lots

Looks like the press has hit the fan :-) I didn't have time today, so do check out this post on SBFF where Helene has even marked the spoilers. Yay!
thanks to Helene
MOCA season 2 premiere is Monday night (I'm going to guess 10pm ET) on TNT

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Print -- TV Guide, december 6 -12 has Big Article on Men of a Certain Age

this news comes from Best Friend, so I'll have more details when she's not busy, or I read my google alerts or visit the SBFF or do some research. My friend subscribes so it's probably not on the stands yet - if you can find it on the street at all anymore. Around here, it's quite hard to find.

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